©1963 Skipper Original Face

EBarbies younger sister Skipper was introduced 1964 as the second child of the Roberts Family. At that time she was around 9-10 years old. She had blonde, brunette ot titian hairs. She was produced with many different hairstyles and had her own wardrobe, which was really extensive!
The facemold was also used for Skippers friends Skooter and Ginger, who followed later.

Headmark in the neck rim: © 1963 Mattel

DBarbies jüngere Schwester Skipper wurde 1964 als zweites Mitglied der Roberts Familie vorgestellt. Zu dem Zeitpunkt war sie ungefähr 9/10 Jahre alt. Sie hatte blonde, brünette oder titian Haare. Das Facemold wurde auch für ihre Freundinnen Ginger und Skooter verwendet.



2 thoughts on “©1963 Skipper Original Face

  1. i found two of my Skipper dolls on here, one is from 1964 mold #0950 the other one is from 1984 face mold #7417. what is the value of these dolls please, i only have the original bathingsuite from the 1964 one, no box, cause i played a lot with my barbie dolls when i was a child. just start collecting again

    1. Hi Elza,
      It’s a question of the condition and the interesst of potential buyers. The Great Shape Skipper is not very popular, I sold mine (the one on the picture) for 15 Euro. The other skipper is definitly in higher classes, belongs on the condition 🙂 I would check the sold auctions at ebay of the #0950 Skipper. That give’s you a realistic view of the price people would / could spend for your doll 🙂
      many regards Dagmar

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