Barbie Identification – ID Help

Just a short introducion…

Fashiondollz is managed by only two people with regular jobs and private life – Dagmar and Tanja. The identifcation expert of us is Tanja. We don’t earn money with this project, even the provider costs are barely covered by the ebay and amazon shoppinglinks.

Please understand, that we can’t identify tons of dirty uncombed Barbies from the loft find or the last fleamarket. But we try to help in exceptional cases if you are at near the edge of desperation.

Please remember: We use our rare time to possibly identify your doll. So please be so kind and use your time to clean, comb and get the Barbie in a good look before you take a photo of her and ask for the ID. The only benefit we can get from our work is that we may use your photo for the gallery – if you shoot a good one. first make the Barbie look beautiful and then take a nice photo of her 🙂


But first – try identify your Barbie / Ken by yourself

Step One:
The newer Barbies (since ca. 2015) have a 5 digit productnumber on their backside, written with silver or golden letters. Use our picture database and search for that number. If no results, we probably have no picture of that doll so far. Try ebay or google…

If you got an older doll, check the patent year in the neck of your doll. Use our Headmold overview to find facemolds with that patented year. That brings you to the gallery with Dolls that were produced with this facemold. Have a look if you can find your doll in the gallery.

You still have no idea, who she is?

Step Two:
If you use facebook, there’s a special group for Barbie Identifications. There are hundreds of Barbie collectors, so this group brings you probably to fast results – also we ask there, if we have no ideas.

An other possibility is to apply your doll pic in our ID Gallery.
Comb your doll and give her a good look! take a picture of her, upload your pic on: and give us the link via comment (down below). We can only add pics under the permission, that you are the rights holder of the picture. Your picture will be added to the ID gallery but it will probably take some time, until we or other friendly users can identify her. So check the comments, if the ID was successful.


We like to help you, so please help us…
Use our links to ebay or amazon for your next shopping on this pages. It costs you nothing, but it helps us to pay the provider costs 🙂


Barbies to identify

If you can help, please comment the pictures 🙂




164 thoughts on “Barbie Identification – ID Help

    1. Hi Morgane, late answer but maybe it will help you. Maybe she is 1991 Special Expressions Barbie #5504 or 1991 Fashion Play Barbie #5766 (same doll) with handmade lashes. But we are not sure.
      We did’t find a regular Barbie with that painting and lashes. You can ask in Barbie ID facebook groups also. Good luck and best regards Tanja

  1. Hey! I was hoping if you can identify this barbie (I don’t have a picture, sorry). I found her a few years ago. Her hair was really frizzy and she didn’t have any clothes. Her hair is blond and I think it’s curly. She may have had bangs as well. Her eyebrows are highly arched. Her eyes are blue and rounder than the ones of the dolls in your photo database. She has elf ears that don’t stick out. Her lips are a dark pink color (kind of dulled down) and she is smiling. She does not have eyeshadow. Her feet are raised up (so she can wear high heels, I assume) and there is a pink leotard and greenish yellow tights attached to her body (basically painted on). The mark on her backside says:
    © Disney © 2011 JAKKS
    Made in China
    If anyone can identify her, reply to this comment. Thanks!

    1. Hello Populis, she is: 2012 Fashionistas Clutch Wave 1 Nikki W3899. You will find her in our 2001 Adria / Desiree facemold overview.

  2. Hallo,
    ich habe Euch ein paar Bilder freigegeben:
    Von der Sweetie habt Ihr zwar ein Foto, auf dem man aber die charakteristischen Ohrringe nicht sieht. Also habe ich 2 Fotos mit sichtbaren Ohrringen gemacht. Ich hoffe, Ihr könnt die Bilder gebrauchen.
    Viele Grüße


    1. Hallo Christina,
      vielen Dank für die Fotos. Ich hab sie hochgeladen, Tanja wird sie dann in den nächsten Tagen einsortieren 🙂
      LG Dagmar

    1. Hello Lindsey, she is 2008 Dog Show Barbie #M8603. May we use your pictures for our homepage please? We still miss her. Best regards Tanja

  3. Hello

    Im hoping you can help me, its not a doll, but a doll bed.
    Ive asked the owner 4 years ago, but they never responded to me. I think they were worried I would „copy“ them.

    Ive also purchased a Bead Party Lea from you through a friend in France! Atleast, I think it was you, because it had your business card inside the box 🙂 – Thank you, she was my childhood doll and I was so happy to be reunited with her.

    This is the bed I want to know about if you can help me; I know its a longshot, but I want to atleast try my luck here

    1. Yes, it was my Bead Party Lea. I had two. One lives now in Australia and how nice to hear, that you are the owner of the other one 🙂 The picture of her is n out Lea Facemold Gallery 🙂
      I can’t say anything about the bed, but I will ask some friends 🙂
      many regards Dagmar

    1. Hi Aly, she is 2005 Chic Barbie H0221. You will find a picture from her in our CEO Face overview 1999-2008. Regards Tanja

    1. That looks like Dorothy Barbie, „The wizard of oz Miss Dorothy Gale“. She’s on a model muse body, right? Look up pics on Google, this is a really beautiful doll!

    1. Hi Chantell, sorry I didn’t read your comment about simba. Unfortunately, we are not familiar with these dolls.
      Regards Tanja

  4. Hello, I believe I may have one of the missing So In Style Trichelle dolls but I’m not sure which one. Please feel free to add her to the database with this picture once she is ID’d. I would have commented on the Mbili page but there wasn’t a comments section. The side-glancing eyes, dark lips, blue and purple eyeshadow, and her more wide-open eyes expression lead me to believe she is not listed on the site. The closest are sweet 16 and glam convertible but neither is right.

    1. Hi Ellis,
      thank you very much for your photos! You are right. Your Trichelle looks a little bit different than the versions we have. I will take a look to find her. First I thought she could be the Trichelle with the car, but yours has bigger eyes. Her side part is on the right right? 😉 Regards Tanja

    2. Tanja, thanks so much for the ID! Her part is on the right as we look at her – her left. She has red streaks in her hair. This photo may be clearer than the previous one.

    1. Hi Maria,
      she is a Ponytail Barbie No. 5 or 6 with restyled hairs. If the head is on the originally body and the Body is only marked with Barbie, it’s a no. 5. If she has „Midge Barbi2e on it, she’s a No 6 Barbie 🙂
      regards Dagmar

    2. Thank you very much

      she’s actually marked as „midge“, so it would be a N°6 Barbie. That’s something I didn’t know! It’s amazing.

    1. Hallo Christina,
      zwei der beiden haben wir schon, die rothaarige und die petite hab ich mir heruntergeladen. Vielen Dank 🙂
      Grüße Dagmar

  5. Ich habe einen Code für die Sweet Fruits Color Reveal Lemon – 3002HF. Fotos auf:
    Link wurde nach Download gelöscht 🙂
    (unrevealed, revealed, Großaufnahme Gesicht)

    1. Hello, No. 4 seems to be: 2002 Palm Beach Barbie #53457. She must have a printed bikini on her body right?
      Has No. 1 a silver stamp on her back? And No.5 must be a clone doll. Are there stamps on her back? We are still looking for the other dolls.
      Could we use your pictures, when we found them or ask in a group on facebook?

    1. Hi Mark, these Barbies are a special edition from Mattel Indonesia from 2005. We don’t know what Ide Gemilang is standing for. Maybe a company or a toy fair.

    2. It’s a special PTMI Edition from Indonesia, sold in 2005, „Barbie Ide Gemilang PTMI“. Certainly hard to get her, but I found some offers from Indonesia 🙂

      „Ide Gemilang“ is indonesian and means „great idea“

    1. Hi Megan, sorry for the late answer. Your doll is: 1996 The Wizard of Oz – Dorothy Barbie #12701
      Regards Tanja

  6. Please help me identify this Barbie friend. She is a 2001, 1186 MJ 1 NL Indonesian model

    Please ignore the custom hairstyle, but do observe the length of her unstyled hair. There was a shorter length in front that was bound to the longer locks on her hairline, from right temple to left. I have searched all the image databases in this site, and I believe she’s a Teresa, but I don’t see an exact match. If you know who she is, you may add these images to your database gallery(ies,) or request different photos with your preferred specs.

    1. Hello Tina, 1. is 1996 Foam ’n Color Barbie, pink #14457, 2. I will looking later ;), 3. 1992 Totally Hair / Ultra Hair Barbie #1112, 4. 1996 Teacher Barbie and Students #13914.
      Regards Tanja

  7. Guten Abend miteinander! Ich habe vier Puppen, die ich einfach nicht identifizieren kann. Für die mit den Dreadlocks habe ich schon einige Bilder gefunden, aber nirgendwo steht’s welche Barbie es ist. Die ersten drei scheinen Fashion fever Puppen zu sein, aber leider gibt es nicht mehr Informationen. Pls help. Danke 🙂


    1. Hallo Stefi, auf Bild 3 ist die 2005 American Idol Music Fever / Deutschland sucht den Superstar Barbie G8015.
      Nach der 1. schau ich noch mal.
      Grüße Tanja

    2. Hallo Stefi, besser spät als nie :D. Die 1. ist die 1994 Victorian Elegance Barbie #12579. 🙂 Gruß Tanja

    1. Hi Kylie, I think she is one Barbie from the Philippines. But I don’t know which one exactly. I’ll keep her in my mind and report back when I find her.
      Regards Tanja

    2. Hi Kylie, I found her after a long time 🙂 She is 2001 Modern Filipna Barbie #48756 Richwell Philippines

  8. Hallo, ich habe Euch ein Foto von der Barbie im Adventskalender HKB09 hochgeladen. Copyright des Kopfes ist von 2003, ich denke, es ist das Carnaval Collector Face. Ich hoffe, Ihr könnt es brauchen.

    1. Hi Aly, the first one is 1997 Share a Smile Barbie #17247 if she has bend arms. May we use your photo for our website please? We’re still missing her.
      The second one ist 2004 Style Barbie B6390.

    2. Thanks a lot for the help as always Tanja! Yes, my Share a Smile Barbie has bend arms, feel free to use the photo.

      Kind regards.

  9. She stamped 1987 on head, therefore it is Christie facemold, but I couldn’t find any Christie with exact makeup, I looked on Christie facemold gallery and on other sites for several hours. Google lens doesn’t help either. Please help!

    1. Hello Olga, she is 1997 Blossom Beauty Barbie AA #17033. I hope it is ok that we use your photo for our Christie overview. 🙂 Regards Tanja

    1. Hi Madli, she is 2009 Then and Now Bathing Suit Barbie – 50th Anniversary #P6508. Regards Tanja

    1. Hallo Angelika, danke für deine ganzen Fotos! An denen, die ich noch nicht identifiziert habe, bleibe ich dran. 🙂 Gruß Tanja

    2. Sehr gerne, ich finde eure Seite super. Hat mir schon bei einigen Identifizierungen geholfen. Vielen Dank für die Hilfe.
      LG Angelika

  10. Hi! I’ve been searching for a long time who is this barbie,she has this big feet like most Barbie beach but I can’t find one that have this kind of face,I’ll be so happy if you guys can help me ♡

    1. Thank you so muuuch!!!Yes you can use the photos,I’ll be happy to share with you guys,maybe the photos will help someone that didn’t finde who she is too! ♡♡

  11. Ich habe noch ein Foto von der Peppermint Rose-Serie von Mattel hochgeladen. Es handelt sich um Vanilla Daisy #0793 aus 1992. Ich hatte sie bei einem Konvolut leider ohne Kleidung. Der Kopf wurde auch bei der Lovely Locks Serie verwendet. Der Body hat eine Skipper-Form 1987.

    1. Thank you for replying.
      The clothes (blue dress) she is wearing is from Whitney Jewel Secrets that;s right, but the face is not, that’s why it’s so hard to identify as well. She has unusual square chin head shape , almost child like.

  12. Ich habe eine Lady die ich leider überhaupt nicht zuordnen kann. Sie hat keine Markierungen, scheint aber nicht neu zu sein. Ich hatte versucht Bilder hochzuladen, allerdings bekam ich als Meldung zur Registrierung nur eine Meldung „403 Verboten“
    Könnt ihr mir vielleicht irgendwie weiterhelfen? Lg Maren

    1. Hallo Maren,
      du kannst auch jeden anderen Bilderdienst verwenden und uns dann übers Kommentarfeld den Link mitteilen. Zum Beispiel, flickr, instagram, drive, wetransfer usw 🙂

      Wenn sie aber gar keine Markierung hat, dann kannst du davon ausgehen, dass sie keine Puppe aus der Barbiefamilie ist und damit sinkt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass wir dir helfen können 🙂
      LG Dagmar

    1. Hi Viktoria, yes I think she is. She should have the Philippines marking on her back.
      Regards Tanja

    1. Hi Kelly, unfortunately we can’t find her so fast. Is it ok to put her picture here in the ID page? Regards Tanja

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