©2014 Kim Face (Fashionistas)

EThe second Fashionistas wave in 2015 brought us this new Facemold. In the internet was the name Kim circulating. So this facemold will be „Kim“ until Mattel announces an official name. Another new face from 2014 is the Crystal face. Kim and Crystal look very similar and have the same headmark. But there are differences. To make the identification easier, Sandro sent us some comparison photos and a little guide how to distinguish them.

Headmark: © 2014 MATTEL

DMit der 2015er Fashionistas Reihe hat Mattel mehrere neue Facemolds vorgestellt. Wenn man dem Internet-Klatsch glauben darf, handelt es sich bei dieser freundlich lächelnden jungen Dame um Kim. Ein zweites neues Face von 2014 ist das Crystal Fashionistas Face. Es sieht Kim ziemlich ähnlich und hat die identische Markierung, aber die beiden unterscheiden sich in vielen Punkten. Vor allen bei den Ohren. Wie man sie besser auseinander halten kann, dazu hat uns Sandro eine Anleitung geschickt…


How to distinguish Crystal and Kim…

While Crystal’s mouth is most of the time painted in accordance with the mold – which IS smiling, Kim’s mouth is often also painted more like smiling – in contradiction with the mold – which is not quite smiling. The Crystal MOLD has a slight smile, the corners of her mouth are slightly upturned, dynamic, showing more of her teeth, she seems to be about to say something.


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