✨ The Wizard of Oz – Mattels Movie Editions

Since 1995 Mattel presents regulary new Barbie editions related to the movie classics Wizard of Oz from 1939. Although the film is really old, it’s still very popular in the USA, from which Mattel also benefits. The six main characters were produced in numerous Barbie editions. And of course all Stars were also produced in Kelly size.

Unfortunately we are missing some doll photos. If you can help with pictures of your dolls, we would be very happy 🙂

Seit 1995 präsentiert Mattel regelmäßig alle paar Jahre eine neue Barbie Edition zum Filmklassiker Wizard of Oz (Der Zauberer von Oz). Obwohl der Film (ersch. 1939) schon so alt ist, erfreut er sich in den USA ungebrochen großer Beliebtheit, wovon auch Mattel mit guten Verkaufszahlen profitiert. Die sechs Hauptfiguren  gibt es bislang in sechs großen Wizard of Oz Editionen. Desweiteren hat Mattel vier Sondereditionen mit weiblichen Darstellern und eine Kelly Edition herausgebracht.

Bei den ersten Editionen ging es mehr darum, die Filmfiguren als Dolls zu gestalten. Später wurde auch den Schauspielern gebührende Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet und die Dolls bekamen sculpted to likness Köpfe.

Von einigen Puppen fehlen uns noch Bilder, wenn du uns mit Fotos von deinen Puppen helfen willst, freuen wir uns sehr 🙂

Box Foto Wizard of Oz 2007

Fast Overview / Eine schnelle Übersicht
Judy Garland
Billie Burke
Margaret Hamilton
Cowardly Lion
Bert Lahr
Tin Man
Jack Haley
Ray Bolger
Superstar Face
1996 (#14901)
Superstar Face
1997 (#16573)
sculpt to likeness
1996 (#14902)
sculpt to likeness
1997 (#16497)
sculpt to likeness
1999 (#25812)
Ceo Face
1999 (#25813)
Superstar Face
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
1.1. 2000
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
Winged Monkey
CEO Face
Mackie Face
Cha Cha Face
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
Winkie Guard + winged Monkey
alike 2007 but singing: Over the rainbow
22.1. 2009
alike 2007 but singing: Come out, come out
like 2007 but singing (?)
alike 2007 but singing: If I were king of the forest
alike 2007 but singing: If I only had brain
alike 2007 but singing: If I only had brain
Wicked Witch of the East, Marisa Face
singing: Ding Dong, the witch is dead
Dorothy Gale
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
sculpt to likeness
Fantasy Glamour
Aphrodite Face
2015  (#CJF31)
Fantasy Glamour
Aphrodite Face
Fantasy Glamour
Mermaid Face
Wicked Glinda
Carnaval Face
Wicked Elphaba
Nichelle Face

* red colour = missing Pictures

1995-1997: Dorothy, Glinda, Cowardly Lion, Tin Man, Scarecrow

Dorothy was the first doll of this edition, she appeared in 1995, Glinda and Tin Man followed in 1996 and the other two guys in 1997. Dorothy & Glinda use Superstar Face, the guys got a Ken Face, modified to likeness.

1995 Dorothy #12701
1996 Glinda #14901
1996 Tin Man #14902
1997 Scarecrow #16497
1997 Cowardly Lion #16573

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1999: Dorothy, Glinda, Cowardly Lion, Tin Man, Scarecrow

This time all five dolls were issued together in the same year. Dorothy is with singing function and lights up, she got in this edition the CEO Face. Glinda use Superstar Face, the guys seems to use the same molds from the first edition.

1999 Dorothy #25812
1999 Glinda #25813
1999 Cowardly Lion #25814
1999 Tin Man #25815
1999 Scarecrow #25816
2000 porcelain dolls: Dorothy, Elphaba, Cowardly Lion, Tin Man, Scarecrow, Winged Monkey

The Timeless Treasure edition of 2000 is a collection of six porcelain dolls. All Headmolds are sculpt to likeness, some of them with much attention to details. Sadly we only got a picture of Elphaba so far….

2007: Dorothy, Glinda, Elphaba, Cowardly Lion, Tin Man, Scarecrow, Winkie Guard + Winged Monkey

In the Year of Barbies 50th Anniversary, Mattel issued a new „Wizard of Oz“ Edition with all main figures. Dorothy got the CEO Face, Glinda with Mackie Face and Elphaba was produced with Marisa (MoM) Face. Dorothys friends seem to use the same molds as well. The Winkie Guard use the Ken Tango mold. And the Monkey is the same like his porcelain brother, this time made of plastic. All dolls were issued in 2007.

2007 Dorothy #K8682
2007 Glinda #K8683
2007 Elphaba #K8685
2007 Tin Man #K8687
2007 Cowardly Lion #K8688
2007 Scarecrow #K8689
2007 Winkie Guard & winged Monkey #L1291

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2008 +2009: Dorothy, Glinda, Elphaba +Witch of the East, Cowardly Lion, Tin Man, Scarecrow

2008/2009 Mattel issued a singing Series with lots of dolls and music. The Dolls look all the same like in 2007, but they have “music bodies” and sing a short jingle from the movie. Elphaba was the first in this series. She was issued in the end of 2008, the others followed in the beginning of 2009. New is a Wicked Witch of the East – Elphabas sister, who was inadvertently killed by Dorothy when she arrived in OZ. The Sisters name is Evanora (?), she got the Marisa Face.

2008 Elphaba #N6561
2009 Dorothy
2009 Glinda
2008 Wicked Witch of the East #N6588
2009 Cowardly Lion #N8688
2009 Tin Man
2009 Scarecrow
2010: Dorothy Gale + Silkstone Dorothy, Glinda, Elphaba

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The year 2010 brought us two Mini Editions around the Wizard of Oz theme. Dorothy was presented as Miss Dorothy Gale in a modern take in a short Petticoat Dress, white thigh high stockings and stylish red sandals. A red handbag with graphic print of her little dog Toto complete the look. She was the only one is this modern version

Short after Miss Gale Mattel issued a small edition with Dorothy, Glinda and Elphaba as Silkstone Barbies.


2013-14: Dorothy, Glinda, Elphaba, Cowardly Lion, Tin Man, Scarecrow
Box Foto Wizard of Oz 2007

In the year of the 75th Anniversary of the movie Mattel issued probably the most adorable dolls after the Porcellain Edition. All six dolls got new look alike facemolds. And they are all looking very similar with the actors. The Edition was sold in two Parts: Dorothy, Glinda and Elphaba were issued in february 2013, the guys followed  the year after.
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2013 Dorothy #Y0247
2013 Glinda #Y0248
2013 Elphaba #Y0300
2014 Cowardly Lion #BJV25
2014 Tin Man #BCP78
2014 Scarecrow #BCP77
2013 Fantasy Glamour: Dorothy, Elphaba (2014), Glinda (2015)

Beside the regular edition, Mattel issued in the summer 2013 the first Glamour Style Version of Dorothy. The next Glamour Doll was Elphaba in 2014 and Glinda followed in 2015.
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Silkstone Dolls